Diet for Fatty Liver

5 Important Diet Tips for Getting Rid of a Fatty Liver

Want to get rid of a fatty liver?


Having a fatty liver is a major health problem. Doctors would recommend a diet for fatty liver to nurse your bile-producing organ back to health. But before embarking on a junk-free diet, you need to know five important facts about what is a fatty liver, its causes, symptoms, treatment, and the list of foods you can eat.

Is fatty liver diet necessary in alleviating the effects of fatty liver? Yes. Fatty liver is the result of the food you eat and the beverages you drink, but in some cases, it is also inherited. The good thing is that it’s reversible for such an affordable price–healthy food consumption and lifestyle.

Diet for fatty liver is a common treatment that is recommended by doctors to combat this liver problem. But before you switch into a new way of food intake, read this article to serve as your guide before making an impactful change to your eating habits.

1. What Is A Fatty Liver?


Also known in medical terms as hepatic stenosis, a fatty liver is a liver that has excess fats. If your liver has increased in fats by 5 to 10% of its weight, then there is a problem.

There is an abnormal build-up of fats inside your liver that disrupts its normal functioning in the long run when treated poorly. Although fatty liver disease is common, constant treatment is needed to prevent unfortunate scenarios like steatohepatitis or cirrhosis (liver scarring).

2. Causes of A Fatty Liver

Fatty Liver Disease comes in two types and therefore, two causes: one is due to heavy-alcohol intake and the other is due to non-alcoholic consumption or NAFLD. These two fatty liver causes vary in different people and determined in different stages.

When alcohol-related fatty liver emerges, it has a tendency to become alcoholic hepatitis or worse, alcoholic cirrhosis. The liver can break down alcohol that you drink, but the resulting chemical reaction will damage your liver cells, therefore having a fatty liver alcohol use as a result. People who are victims of alcohol addiction are prone to having this type of disease.


However, in NAFLD or Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease, it is caused by unhealthy consumption of highly-processed and sugary foods eaten by people with obesity, diabetes, high cholesterol, and insulin resistance. Even though this type of disease has little to no symptoms at all, it can be confirmed through ultrasound or biopsy.

3. Symptoms Of A Fatty Liver

People diagnosed with fatty liver disease mostly don’t feel any symptoms. It is mostly an invisible suffering disease that becomes visible suffering when the disease reaches its cirrhosis or scarring stage. But here is a list of fatty liver symptoms that you can check out:

  1. Loss of appetite
  2. Jaundice (yellowish skin and white of eyes)
  3. Trouble in concentration
  4. Liver size increased
  5. Abdominal Pain
  6. Fatigue
  7. Nausea
  8. Edema

Fatty Liver Symptoms

If you’re feeling a few of these symptoms, you should book for a doctor’s appointment nearby for testing and diagnosis.

4. Treatment for Fatty Liver

Modifying your daily menu to include all the healthy foods good for your liver is a great diet. Although you can add a bit of supplement and a load of exercise, they’re better off when combined with a healthy diet. Since the disease is rooted in either alcohol and food intake, it’s time to cut off these guilty pleasures in your life.


Get rid of the unhealthy fats build-up in your liver by switching to a healthy and active lifestyle instead of the unhealthy and sedentary one. An effective fatty liver treatment is a commitment to consume all the good stuff for your liver’s benefit.

5. Combating Fatty Liver: 5 Foods You Should Eat

Fish – eating fish at least twice a week for a healthy diet is recommended by the American Heart Association. Fish contains a good amount of Omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins D, and B2. Being rich in Omega-3 fatty acids, it is considered to be one of the best food for the heart and also the liver because it lowers down the fat levels. Eating steamed fish rather than deep-fried fish is a good choice to tone down your cholesterol.

Coffee – unsweetened organic and black coffee is a friend you need for a healthy diet. Not only it keeps you awake during the day or night because of caffeine, but it also prevents liver cancer and reduces the risk of liver fibrosis or cirrhosis. It’s up to you if you want freshly brewed coffee or instant coffee as long as it’s unsweetened. Opting for bitter black coffee is the better choice rather than the sugary ones because remember, we’re staying away from the sweet unhealthy stuff!

Vegetable Greens – broccoli, spinach, kale, brussel sprouts, lettuce, green peas, and more! Eating healthy vegetable produce will benefit the body to have a stronger immune system, an active brain, free from harmful toxins, and improve the digestive enzymes. It is rich in fiber so it can lower down cholesterol levels as well as help you lose weight. The fats in the liver will be reduced when eating such healthy greens.

Leafy greens are a great part of a diet to help lesson fatty liver

Avocado – known as one of the healthiest fruits in the world, avocado is delicious food to eat with the benefit of having healthy fats and slows down liver damage. It also contains antioxidants vitamins E and C. But avoid the avocado toast, you’re not allowed to eat starchy goods. Consume a fresh avocado salad instead!

Avacados are included in many fatty liver diets

Green Tea – they say there is no better drink than green tea. The hot drink is next in line to water as the most widely consumed beverage and it has surprising health benefits, too! Green tea can help remove toxins, promote weight loss, induces better sleep, and aid in fat absorption to the liver. Tea culture is almost everywhere now, so it’s best to incorporate it with your diet for fatty liver.

Garlic – one of the staple spices in the world, garlic is a herb that is present in almost all types of cuisine because it adds flavor to food. Medicinally, garlic is used to treat sickness like the common cold and a number of other amazing benefits. When it comes to the liver, eating garlic will detoxify, promote loss of weight, and reduce liver fats. Adding garlic powder to your healthy vegetable salad is something you must try!

Including Garlic in your diet can help with fatty liver

Oatmeal – whole grains are better than heavily processed carbs. Oats are gluten-free and contain many vitamins as they are one of the healthiest grains on Earth. It can lower cholesterol levels, makes you lose weight, and improves digestive health. Because it is a rich source of fiber, it will help you achieve a healthy weight over time. Make yourself a hearty bowl of oatmeal every morning minus the sweets!

So there you have it. These are 5 important facts that you need to know before dealing with a fatty liver diet. Remember, this array of information is for you to utilize it for the betterment of your liver health and others, too! Feel free to share it and thanks for the read!


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5 Important Diet Tips for Getting Rid of Fatty Liver


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