How to Lose 10 Pounds in a Month

How to Lose 10 Pounds in a Month

With The Right Mindset And Hard Work, You Can Lose As Much As 10 Pounds In A Month!

Slimming down is an ongoing goal for many people, and it can be a challenge regardless of how much weight you want to lose. That’s not to say it’s impossible—with the right mindset and hard work, you can lose as much as 10 pounds in a month!

The first or the last 10 pounds can actually be the most difficult: Starting a weight loss journey requires a commitment to making lifestyle changes and sticking to a routine; on the flip side, the closer you get to your weight-loss goals, the more chances you hit a plateau keeping you from achieving your desired weight.

Having a deadline for shedding those excess pounds is adding another hurdle to conquer. While weight loss should be a steady and sustainable journey to becoming healthier, there are times you want to slim down for a special occasion and look good in a certain dress or suit.

Instances like these can be great motivators to kickstart your weight loss as long as you plan it out properly. It can be tempting to look up how to lose 10 pounds in a month naturally or how to lose 10 pounds in a month without exercise, but the truth is that losing weight, especially in such a short amount of time, requires putting in the hard work.

Crash dieting can be effective in the short-term, but they’re often hard to maintain so you end up gaining all the weight you lost back—and sometimes even more.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), a healthy weight loss is 1 to 2 pounds in a week[1]. It can also depend on a person’s existing weight, metabolism, and lifestyle routine.

More overweight people tend to shed more pounds rapidly. So if you’ve been wondering how long does it take to lose 10 pounds, allocate at least a month before your deadline.

Here are some lifestyle changes you can make in order to lose 10 pounds in a month.

    1. Exercise for 30 minutes
      There is no magic formula for weight loss, especially in such a short amount of time. If you really want to slim down in a month, get your heart pumping with some cardio. It gets your heart rate up so you burn more calories, which will lead to shedding excess pounds.

      For best results, work out in the mornings and mix it up with some strength training to build lean muscle, which will burn through body fat.

      The great thing about cardio is that it requires little to no investment in equipment or a gym membership. Just put on some workout shoes and go for a run, or follow bodyweight exercises on the internet.

      Fun Fact: What does a pound of fat look like? Compared to a pound of muscle, fat is less dense and takes up more space, which makes a person look bigger. When you’re exercising, you build muscle which can weigh the same even when it’s much leaner. So don’t fixate on the numbers on the scale—instead, focus on how your clothes fit you. You can also get a bodyweight composition scale to get more accurate measurements of how your body is changing with your diet and exercise regime.


    2. Practice intermittent fasting
      Intermittent fasting, or cycling between windows of unrestricted eating and voluntary fasting, is one of the easiest and most popular ways to lose weight. There’s no need to limit yourself from certain foods or how much you eat, as long as you eat during your designated eating window.

      Some research has shown it can boost your body’s metabolism. While not as restricting as other diets, make sure to avoid overeating when you break your fast and make healthy food choices to aid your weight loss.

      Intermittent fasting is said to be good when paired with a low-carb, high-fat keto diet, so you can consider that to shed excess weight faster.

    3. Fill up your stomach throughout the day
      Limiting your food intake is one of the hardest parts of a weight loss regime, and if you don’t practice self-discipline, the increased hunger can lead to a tendency to overeat especially during mealtimes.

      Avoid this by snacking periodically throughout the day, during your eating window if you’re on intermittent fasting. Go for healthy yet filling snacks such as almonds. You can also drink a glass of water before your meals so you don’t consume as much food.

      The important thing to make sure is that you’re not eating to the point of getting full—just stop when you’re not hungry anymore.

    4. Eat slower
      It takes around 20 minutes for the brain to acknowledge that one is already full. By eating slower, you end up consuming fewer calories without the feeling of hunger to drive you to eat more.

      Taking time with your food not only allows you to enjoy it more, but it also has health benefits. Particularly, it is said to aid in proper digestion, which leads to less risk for digestive problems.

    5. Limit your intake of carbs
      One thing you should definitely restrict yourself from if you want to lose weight within a month is refined carbohydrates. These can lead to a buildup of fat especially around your waistline, and trigger overeating because they can make you feel hungry soon after meals.

      The sugar from these carbohydrates may also increase your risk of developing diabetes.

      Instead of going for carbs such as white rice, white bread, and pasta, opt for complex carbohydrates which are higher in nutrients and fiber. Get your fix of good carbs from brown rice, whole wheat bread, oatmeal, legumes, nuts, starchy vegetables, and fruit.

    6. Prep your meals
      An easy way to make sure you’re right on track with your weight-loss goals is to prepare your meals ahead of time. This reduces the urges to order takeaway from fast-food chains or eat out at restaurants, both of which can derail your diet.

      Set aside a day every week to cook a large batch of food, which you can just reheat over the next few days. By planning your meals ahead, you can ensure you portion them accordingly to meet your macro requirements.

      How to lose 10 pounds in a month

    7. Watch what you drink
      Drinks can be your weight loss downfall if you don’t watch out.

      Soda and canned juices have a lot of sugars, with some even exceeding your daily recommended intake for it. The same can be said about your favorite frappuccinos, which are loaded with calories from the syrups and the whipped cream. Alcohol may also deter your diet by slowing your metabolism.

      Stay on track with your weight-loss goals by being mindful of what you drink.

      Keep hydrated with a lot of water, which will also curb your hunger. Take your coffee black or opt for Stevia or spices such as cinnamon to add flavor. Green tea is also great for weight-loss, targeting body fat around your midsection.

    8. Get enough rest
      Lifestyle changes, especially adding exercise to your daily routine, can take some time to get used to.

      Go at your own pace and try to get enough sleep at night. Don’t be afraid to rest if that’s what your body needs—in fact, resting energy actually helps you lose weight when paired with regular exercise.

      Being well-rested also helps your body utilize your calories better, and also gives you more energy to do more things in a day, including working out.

      How to lose 10 pounds in a month

    9. Have the proper mindset
      The road to weight loss will be challenging and have its share of frustrations, especially when you don’t get the results you want as fast as you expected.

      Each person has different factors to consider, including age, metabolism, and current fitness levels. Focus on your goals and don’t give up even when times get tough. Your hard work will pay off in time and give you the body you want.

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