How to Manifest Your Dream Life

13 Simple Daily Habits to Use Manifestation Magic for Your Dream Life

Many People Believe Manifestation is Like Magic

You may have been hearing about manifestation. Historically, manifesting was something mythological. The Virgin Mary manifested to devout Catholics, for example.

Now therapists use the word “manifest” to discuss how to make your dreams come true. If you want to be in a loving, committed relationship, make it manifest. If you want a job that you love, manifest it yourself.

Following the following guidelines will show you how to manifest your goals and become your best self:

1. Decide what you want.

Go to a quiet, private space. Now close your eyes. Visualize the person you want to be in the future. This is your future self. This is the person you want to manifest. Be very specific about who your future self is. How much money does she make? This will also give you an idea in manifesting money. What kind of work does she do? The kind of work that you love and that will give you a bright future. What kind of business does she own? What kind of relationship does she want? Where does she want to live?

Once you are sure of what you want, the magic of manifestation will take place that will guide you along the way. 

2. Do the work.

Success comes to those who get out of bed and go to work. Show up early. Get enough sleep so that you are wide awake during meetings. Show your supervisor and co-workers that you care about what your company is doing.

3. Decide what you want from your significant other.

Most people dream of a lifetime passion with a beautiful person. But do you really want something long-term at this point in your life? Or do you want to experience the euphoria of a new relationship many times over? To manifest the kind of love you want, you have to know what that is. And then be honest with yourself and your potential partners about what you really want out of a liaison.

How to Manifest Your Dream Life

4. Remember that love is a promise, not a feeling.

Studies show that the initial buzz that comes from entering a new relationship wears off over time. Long marriages trade that euphoric feeling of being in love for the comfort of a lasting bond. Long, loving relationships require daily commitment. You have to take your turn at washing the dishes even when you are tired. You have to be patient when your partner wants to watch sports or the romance channel. These accommodations might seem trivial, but they are key to building long-term trust.

The magic of manifestation comes when you commit your mind, body, and daily actions thinking about and working towards a goal.

How to Manifest Love

5. Invest in others.

People who are good at manifesting their best future selves know how to motivate the people around them. You get there by paying attention to your colleagues and the other people in your community. Know what sorrow or joy your friends and associates are packing. Ask about the sick sister or the son who just got into a good medical school. These social bonds enable you to mobilize people. And when you can get them on your team, you will be able to manifest your best future self.

6. Sing a song.

It’s not as dumb as it sounds. Many songs are written for the purpose of inspiration. Johnny Mercer’s “Accentuate the Positive,” for instance. If that’s too old, you can learn the words to “Try Everything” from Zootopia. Or “Climb Every Mountain” from Sound of Music. Don’t be afraid to sing a children’s son, especially one that you loved as a child such as “This Little Light of Mine.” Children’s songs are written to inspire achievement. They work just as well, if not better, for the grown ups. Singing an inspirational song gets you pumped to get out there and manifest your dreams. Try it!

How to Manifest Happiness through Singing

7. Track your daily progress toward your future self.

As you are manifesting your ideal, future self, be sure to keep track of the work you are doing to get there. Also keep track of progress you have made toward those goals. Let’s say, for instance, that your future self is a self-made millionaire who owns a successful hot tub franchise. Keep track of the sales you made today. And also keep track of the number of phone calls you took. It’s important to give yourself daily credit for putting in the work as well as the successes.

Magic of manifestation will eventually come as you keep track of your daily progress and work hard towards your future self.

8. Stay fluid.

You need to leave enough room in your dreams to make adjustments. Let’s say that you dreamed of making millions with your own food truck. But now, you are getting really bored with cooking. And you find that dealing with customers is a hassle. There’s nothing wrong with adjusting your future self. Take the skills you learned and apply them to your new future self. Your future self doesn’t want you to get stuck in yesterday’s dream. Don’t be scared to make major changes and when you feel overwhelmed, read through these uplifting manifestation quotes.

9. Don’t put up with negative relationships.

Nothing can slow your manifestation like toxic relationships. We should all know better than to stay in romantic relationships with people who don’t support our dreams or who neg us. But you may want to look at your friendships as well. Does one of your friends have a history of putting you down and trivializing your hopes and dreams? If so, you should have an honest conversation with that friend. If he doesn’t agree to stop the nagging, break off that friendship.

10. Minimize time with family members who don’t share your dreams.

With family, it’s a little trickier. You can’t necessarily turn your back on a mother or father who stands between you and your future self. Discuss your relationships and ask your family member to be more supportive. If he/she won’t get with the new program, then you need to make a decision of they are a part of your healthy and happy life going forward.

11. Clean your space.

I’m not saying you have to clean and disinfect your whole house. But most people spend the majority of their waking hours in one room. That might be your home office. Make sure that one room is well organized, tidy, and clean. This will create a constructive playing field for your endeavors and help you reach your future self in a short time. The same is true for your office or cubicle at work.

12. Notice your stress markers.

We all get stressed. Stress is inevitable, so I’m not going to tell you to eliminate it from your life. The more important thing is to notice stress and then take action to alleviate it. Stress markers can be subtle and easy to miss. Maybe your blood pressure goes up. Get a blood pressure cuff, and use it to see what your elevated pressure looks like. Maybe you eat too much or too little when stressed. Be aware of this marker. Learning to recognize a state of stress allows you to quickly take action to mitigate it. Taking immediate action keeps the stress from wearing you out or hurting your health.

13. Have coping mechanisms for minimizing stress.

Once you’ve learned to identify stress, you should identify good coping methods. Some people manage stress with a run or a brisk walk. Others have companion animals. Petting a cat is scientifically proven to relieve stress in some people. Sometimes just getting on the phone to a trusted friend or family member can be calming. Try to search for self care ideas that would help you manage your coping mechanisms for you to be able to minimize stress.

By learning to identify stress you will be able to have the magic of manifestation as you are well aware of the things to cope with.

How to Manifest Dream Life through Exercising

In conclusion, you can and will manifest your best, future self if you follow the above guidelines. The meaning of manifestation is to know what you want, put in the work, and clear the decks of any toxic distractions. Your future self is closer than you think. Await the manifestation.


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13 Daily Habits to Manifest Your Dream Life


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