How to Lose Weight Without Gimmicks

11 Ways to Lose Weight Fast Without Falling for Gimmicks

Losing weight fast is going to involve some work and dedication, and keeping it off is a commitment.


It seems like news reporters tell us about a new diet just about every day.

And all these new diets are guaranteed to work! People rave about them! There are stories about folks who lost fifty pounds in two weeks!

But here’s a thorny fact: If any of these diets really worked as well as they are supposed to, why are we not all rake thin?

That said, weight loss is possible. Whether you’re looking for a way to lose weight with PCOS, or just to better manage your weight with a few lifestyle changes. You need to know the truth about which methods are actually effective.

What follows is a list of “tried-and-true” weight loss methods that actually work 🙂

Lose weight fast and keep it off

1. Count calories

There’s no surer way to know when you are overeating than counting calories.

To count calories effectively, you have to read the labels of prepared food. Note first how many servings are in the container. Then multiply the calories per serving by how many servings you have eaten.

For example, if you microwave and eat a can of soup, it’s likely that the can contains two servings. If you eat the whole can, double the calories on the label and make a written note.

When it comes to whole foods like apples, carrots, onions, etc., you can easily find the approximate calorie count for that food online.

When counting calories, it is important to keep track of everything you eat in a day. Be honest with yourself and use a note keeping device on your phone to track your numbers.

2. Drink lots of water

Thirst can be mistaken for hunger. So it’s important to drink the eight glasses of water a day that doctors recommend.

Motivate yourself to lose weight

Water fills up your stomach and tricks it into telling your brain that you are full. This is why you want to drink water before and after meals and between meals.

3. Drink unsweetened coffee or black tea

The caffeine in coffee and black tea is an excellent appetite suppressant. And, if you don’t add milk or sugar, the calories in coffee and tea are insubstantial.

You may have heard that caffeine is bad for you. But one or two cups a day will not hurt you. And there are benefits. Coffee and tea perk you up. Both beverages also contain antioxidants which work with your immune system to keep you healthy.

Drink Coffee to Lose Weight

If black tea and coffee are both too bitter for you, try adding a dash of soy milk or two percent cow milk. It adds a few calories, but you can track them.

4. Dump the starches

Starchy foods (also known as “high-carbohydrate” foods) like bread, pasta, potatoes, rice, and cake pack on calories without really making you full. That’s why it’s so tempting to go back for seconds.

Don't Eat Starches to Lose Weight Fast

Eliminating starches, sodas and sweet fruity drinks from your diet is a fast way to lose weight. If you can’t live without bread and rice, swap out the white products for brown, whole-grain bread and rice. Whole grains satisfy food cravings without packing on more calories.

5. Prioritize protein

Protein is your best weight loss supplement. That’s because protein makes us feel full and energized.

The trick is to eat more protein without packing on more calories. That’s why dietitians refer so often to “lean protein.” The best protein for the fewest calories exists in boiled or poached eggs and steamed or poached fish.

If you feel constantly deprived while losing weight, increasing protein is the way to go. You might be surprised to learn that an eight-ounce steak contains fewer calories than most chicken sandwiches. And this is one of the fast ways to lose weight.

6. Get enough sleep

Nothing defeats a weight loss plan like a sleep deficit. Poor sleep contributes to stress which contributes to weight gain.

And it’s natural for people who are tired to eat more. We eat more because we are trying to replenish energy reserves with excess calories.

When you are losing weight, you should shoot to get nine hours of sleep a night on average. That leaves you fewer hours during the day to overeat or obsess about food.

7. Stay out of your car

Have you ever noticed that most people who don’t drive are thin? There’s a reason for that. Driving burns almost no calories. But walking, biking, roller blading, and running do.

Exercise in Fun Ways to Lose Weight

If you live within a few miles of where you work, consider biking or walking to work. It’s likely to add only an hour or less to your day. And the health benefits are enormous.

If that’s not practical, look for ways to run errands on foot. Could you walk to the convenience store for your milk? Or to the drug store for your prescriptions? Look for ways to incorporate more walking biking, or running into your life on a regular basis as these are one of the best ways to lose weight

8. Wear weights

We don’t gain weight because we’re lazy or greedy. We gain weight because we don’t have enough time to exercise, and we’re too stressed to do without desserts.

So any method of burning more calories during the course of an ordinary day is a godsend. Consider wrapping some ankle weights around your legs and then hiding them under your pants.

Doing so will burn about 400 calories a day. And you don’t have to waste time at the gym. If you don’t have to maintain a sleek business profile, you can wear a weighted vest and/or wrist weights. This is very helpful for men who want to lose weight fast

9. Change your snacks

You’ve been told not to eat between meals. That’s flawed advice, though, because you can easily overeat while only eating three times a day.

A better way to manage your diet is to eat smaller meals and allow yourself one or two small snacks. The best snacks for weight loss are raw vegetables and fruit.

Carrot and celery sticks, apple and orange slices, a cup of blueberries or cherries. These little snacks provide instant energy and can be surprisingly satisfying when you swap them out for cookies or cheese snacks.

You can even lose weight on a vegan diet, however you should always consult your physician before changing your nutritional plan.

10. Cut back on alcohol

There’s nothing wrong with having two or three beers a week. But beer, wine, and cocktails have a surprising number of calories. Even a small serving of chardonnay is around 100 calories.

The problem with calories absorbed through alcohol is that they don’t provide any energy. What they do provide is lost judgment. After a couple margaritas, many of us lose the willpower to watch what we eat next.

Keep in mind that a big plate of nachos and a couple beers add about 1000 calories or more to your daily intake. Swap out the beer for water and the nachos for carrot sticks and hummus. Follow these if you’re eager to lose weight fast

11. Read menus

It’s killing me to recommend chain restaurants, but the truth is that chain restaurant menus have to disclose calories. Noticing the calorie content of your Cheesecake Factory or Applebees entree can make it much easier to navigate restaurants safely.

Many people report that they’ve been able to lose weight through intermittent fasting, as well.  If that’s something that interests you, be sure to consult your doctor before making any drastic changes to your diet.

In conclusion, no one can really promise that weight loss will be easy. But that doesn’t mean that you can’t lose weight. The worst thing you can do is to fall for a fad diet. Make little changes, like the ones recommended in this article. The ones mentioned above are good reasons and motivations to lose weight. If you stay the course, you will lose weight. Not overnight. But you will lose it.


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11 Ways to Lose Weight Without Falling for Gimmicks


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