Loving Yourself Starts With Thinking Of Some Self Care Ideas
You may have been taught to put others first. And, of course, it’s great to be considerate to your neighbors, colleagues, and family.
But many people neglect their own well being. You don’t want to lose yourself in the agendas of other people. That’s why self care is such a trending topic.
Taking care of yourself leads to a longer life, better mental health, and fewer sick days. And if you don’t believe in caring for yourself, then do it for the people you care for. They will have you around a lot longer if you practice some basic self maintenance. Self care is really important for men and women.
The following guidelines are by no means a complete list of self care ideas. But they will get you started.
1. Get enough sleep.
Few people really want to lift weights and eat raw vegetables. That’s why it’s so tough to maintain diet and exercise regimes. But sleep. Lovely, luxurious sleep. It’s a good bet you love sleeping. So it’s a no brainer to give yourself the extra minutes or hours you need to stay healthy.
Keep in mind that how much sleep you need is personal. Some people function just fine on seven hours of sleep. Others need nine hours a night. If you’re tired all the time and craving naps at work, that’s a sign you need more sleep than you are getting.

If you have trouble getting to sleep or staying asleep, buy a better mattress. Firm memory foam mattresses work well for many people. If you’re still not sleeping, go to bed earlier and eliminate recreational drugs and alcohol from your life.
If you have done all that and still can’t sleep, ask your doctor for a prescription sleep medicine. There really aren’t many things more important than a good night’s sleep, so do what you have to.
2. Eat delicious and healthy food.
Delicious AND healthy are the keywords here. Don’t waste time eating food you hate because it’s supposedly good for you. Instead, find healthy foods you do like.
Do you hate apples and bananas? No problem. Try mango and kiwi. Do you hate kale? Join the club. Try mustard greens cooked in beef broth, instead. Or learn to make pesto out of raw basil and nuts. The point is to keep trying healthy foods until you find the ones you like. Then slowly replace any junk you are eating with the more healthy options. Also, don’t forget to incorporate healthy foods with daily healthy habits.
3. Indulge in moderation.
There’s no harm in having a dessert or a glass of wine once a night. Some doctors even argue for the health benefits of a single glass of red wine with dinner or before bed.
The point is to enjoy these little pleasures occasionally and not at every meal. Eat your dessert more slowly, and sip your wine. Make the pleasure last. That way, you don’t have to go for seconds.
4. Immerse yourself in water.
Whether it’s swimming, hot tubbing, bathing, or floating, immersing your body in water is almost always a great self care activity. Maybe you can’t afford a hot tub. But maybe you can afford to replace your shallow fiberglass bathtub with a deep one. The effect will be the same.
Maybe you need a day at the spa where you can enjoy a whirlpool. Maybe you don’t have a swimming pool, but there’s a decent YMCA in your neighborhood. Consider taking out a membership. Immersing in water takes us back to the time that we floated in the womb. That’s why it’s so relaxing. Find a body of water somewhere and slide in.
5. Get a massage.
Massage is therapeutic on a number of levels. It relaxes you and helps you unclench your muscles. It relieves anxiety. It provides needed human touch.
And, unlike so many other things that are “good” for you, it feels great. And many massage therapists will come to your house. That means you can go directly from your relaxed state to something equally relaxing, like junking out on Doctor Who or taking a long, hot bath.
Massage is great therapy for any number of people. If you get good results from it, you might want to have a standing weekly appointment.
6. Get the help you need.
Not everyone needs therapy. But a lot more people need therapy than are getting therapy.
Many people find it helpful to read uplifting self care quotes.
Some of these quotes could give you major self care ideas that could help you without the need of getting therapy
If you have undergone a major loss, like the death of a loved one, the loss of a home, or job loss, you really don’t have to white knuckle your recovery. That’s what therapy is for. Unprocessed trauma can turn into health problems and emotional disorders.
You don’t have to commit yourself to years of Freudian psychotherapy. Find a good counselor who specializes in cognitive behavior modification. The two of you should negotiate a timeline for your sessions so that you have a definite end point.
Also, if you are afraid that getting therapy will compromise your ability to buy insurance, be aware that there are cash only, pay-as-you-go mental health centers. At these places, you can write a check and it never has to go on your insurance health record.
Here are just a few signs that you need therapy: Your friends and family keep telling you that you need therapy. You have nightmares. You can’t concentrate on the present because of emotional distress. You are always unhappy. The things you used to enjoy have become chores in which you take no pleasure. Any one of those issues is a good enough reason to see a professional.
And there is no reason to tough out your depression without drugs. If your therapist thinks you would benefit from a prescription, fill it. There’s no shame in taking a medication to overcome a mental health issue any more than there is shame in taking antibiotics to treat pneumonia.
7. Find the exercise you like.
Of course you hate exercise. That’s because exercise has been packaged for us as an expensive gym membership or a sweaty workout on the basketball court with people who are looking to injure us.
Many high school and college athletes get horribly out of shape because they have such narrow ideas about what exercise is. So let me say this loudly. You do not have to go to the gym. You do not have to play team sports. You do not have to run.
Quit forcing yourself to do things you hate (because they are “good” for you). Instead look for enjoyable self care ideas to move your body. Pick a self help day. Maybe you like a walk through a rose garden. Maybe you want to dance with your cat. Maybe you want to take a stroll around the dog park with your dog.
Maybe you want to take dance lessons. Or ice skating lessons. Or maybe you want to learn to surf. Just being a beginner at a new sport is great, great exercise. It’s using muscles that don’t get worked out every day. You can even lose weight by walking. That means you are burning more calories. There’s an exercise for everyone. Have fun finding it.
Self care ideas are essential for everyone. Neglecting your own care can lead to exhaustion, bad temper, mental illness, and, at worst, a nervous breakdown.
Best way is to create your self care plan by making a self care checklist that will guide and remind you to love yourself every day.
In conclusion, you owe it to yourself and the people who rely on you to find your happy place, whether it’s by taking time for a nice lunch, taking dance lessons, or visiting the swimming pool. Take care of yourself, and you will find you are happier and more productive.
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