How to Lose Fat in Your Face

9 Simple & Easy Ways to Lose Weight in Your Face

Feeling Bloated? Don’t Lose Hope!
Here are Simple Ways on How to Lose Weight In Your Face 🙂


Do you still have facial baby fat? A chubby face can be cute, but if you’re going for glamor, you may want a more chiseled look. More Angelina Jolie and less Amy Schumer.

Thin faces are more mysterious and romantic. Studies show that men and women with thin faces get taken more seriously. They are more likely to land CEO jobs and get nominated for the boards of directors on prestigious non-profit charities.

So here are nine ways to lose weight on your face:

1. Reduce calorie intake

Lowering your calorie intake is a sure fire way to lose baby fat, especially on your face.

Counting calories is fun and easy. You need to keep a daily journal of what you eat and then calculate the calories in each dish.

Calories are listed on the packages of all prepared foods. When it comes to raw fruits and vegetables, and fish and meat that you cook at home, you can calculate the calories by weighing your food and then multiplying the ounces by the calories per ounce. You can find the per ounce calories for almost any food on online weight loss sites like

The goal should be to reduce calories by two to ten percent, depending on the amount of facial fat you want to lose. Don’t go for severe calorie restriction unless you are quite overweight. Calorie restriction can lead to energy crashes, so less is more.

2. Drink plenty of water

Not getting enough water leads to dehydration. And dehydration leads to water retention and swelling, especially around the face and extremities.

The best and easiest way to drink more water is to swap out your daily sweet tea and sodas for glasses of water. You will find that doing this is also an easy way to reduce calories.

Drink Water to Lose Weight in Your Face

It might seem counterintuitive to reduce water retention by drinking lots of water, but that’s the way it works, and its one of the best methods for fat loss in your face.

3. Avoid alcohol

Beer, wine, and cocktails are fun, but they are the enemies of good health in general. If you want your cheekbones to pop, you will need to get sober and stay that way most of the time.

Alcohol adds a lot of stealth calories to your diet. It also contributes to water retention which is the main culprit in bloated faces. Alcohol can also make you look flushed. That doesn’t add to the glamorous look you are going for.

Avoid Alcohol to slim your face

It can be difficult to avoid drinking alcohol entirely, especially if you are young and you socialize a lot. When you are at parties, it’s a good idea to limit yourself to one drink. No one will notice if you nurse the same solo cup all night. And make it a single portion of white wine. It has fewer than 150 calories.

4. Do facial exercises

One great facial exercise that won’t give you wrinkles is this: From an upright position, angle your face toward the sky or ceiling. Slowly push your lower lip upwards until it overlaps your upper lip. Hold that position for a few seconds, then release.

This exercise strengthens the muscles around your jawline and results in a more contoured profile and can be an especially helpful way how to slim your face.

5. Eat lots of crispy vegetables

Push the carrot sticks and celery stalks! Doing so exercises the muscles around your ears and jaw, giving you more definition. Eating, low-calorie vegetables is good for you in so many ways. It makes you feel full, so you don’t overeat. That reduces facial fat by reducing overall fat.

Eat Vegetables to Make Your Face Thinner

Eating raw vegetables also keeps people regular. (That’s polite code for “not constipated.”) And it exercises facial muscles.

What if you don’t like carrots or celery? No problem! Apple slices, raw broccoli florets, and bell pepper slices are just as effective.

6. Get plenty of sleep

Nothing puffs up the face worse than a sleep deficit. A sleepless night will leave you with puffy eyes, slack jaw, and an overall look of “rode hard and hung up wet.”

Getting plenty of sleep improves your mood, also. That means you’ll have a smile on your face when you get at least eight hours of shut eye. And a happy, optimistic demeanor is always a better look than a sleepy, fatigued one.

7. Treat your allergies

If your eyes are puffed up and your nose is red and swollen, there’s a good chance you have an allergy to something. If this mostly happens in May or September, you likely have seasonal allergies.

In people with allergies, that puffed up face is your body’s way of trying to push out the toxins. Allergens enter your system, usually through your nose. There they cause inflammation and your system works to expel them. That leads to sneezing, tearing up, coughing, and a runny nose.

Controlling your allergies can help your face to look thinner

Effectively treating allergies may involve getting tested to see what you are allergic to. The most common allergens are dust, mold, ragweed, and pollen. But you could also have one or more food allergies or allergies to specific fabrics or environmental pollutants.

The most common allergy treatments are over the counter medications such as Benadryl, Allegra, and Claritin. But you may need a prescription if your allergies are severe or if you have multiple allergies.

8. Quit taking steroids

If you are taking steroids for a medical condition like pneumonia or solid organ transplant, you should not stop taking it.

But, if you are taking steroids for cosmetic reasons or to be more competitive in sports, you should discontinue it by tapering slowly off it.

Long-term, cosmetic or recreational use of steroids is extremely damaging to your health in a number of ways. It can cause permanent weight gain. It can mess with your moods. In the worst case scenario, steroids case anger management issues.

And steroids are the fastest and surest way to end up with moon face. Doctors don’t know why, exactly, but steroids cause both fluid build up and fat accumulation in the face and neck.

It’s not worth it to put another point on your batting average. Quit taking steroids if you are taking them recreationally. Be careful to taper off them slowly, however. You must cut back your dosage by twenty five percent, then fifty percent, then seventy five percent. This needs to happen slowly, ideally over a month, if you have been on steroids a long time.

9. Go easy on the salt

Salt causes fluid build up, especially in the face. Though you cannot eliminate salt from your diet entirely, most people should definitely reduce their intake if you’re looking to thin out your face and lose fat.

Many people misunderstand where we get sodium overload. The good news is that you don’t have to eat your boiled chicken without any salt. The bad news is that most prepared food comes with too much salt in it already.

Canned food, frozen dinners, and food that comes in boxes, like macaroni and cheese dinners, are packed with salt, also known as sodium. The excess salt is there to keep processed food from tasting too bland. That’s because processing takes out much of food’s flavor.

Reduce Salt intake to lessen face puffiness

So what’s the solution? The solution is to eat more whole foods. Instead of eating a frozen lasagna entrée, make your own lasagna with noodles, ground beef, and fresh tomatoes. Cooking more things from scratch gives you much more control over the amount of salt in your food. The amount of salt you shake on your tomatoes is almost never going to be as much as the amount you get in a bottle of ketchup.

In conclusion, facial fat and bloating are the result of fluid retention, excess body fat, untreated allergies, and, in some cases, steroid use. Facial fat is often an outcome of excess body fat.

That means that, in the process of getting a leaner face, you may also get a leaner body! Overall health and fitness are indispensable to having a lean face with great cheekbones and jawline.

Just practice the above guidelines, and you will have that gorgeous, lean face you want in no time!


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9 Ways to Lose Weight in your Face


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