Fat burning foods

10 Fat Burning Foods You Should Eat to Lose Weight Fast

Start Adding Thermic Foods to your Diet!

Fat burning foods should be a staple in your diet when you want to lose weight safely and effectively. Weight loss is not something that happens overnight. Instead of going on a crash diet, make sustainable changes in your diet by incorporating thermogenic foods.

Losing weight is a goal for many people, and with good reason: Beyond looking great, maintaining an ideal weight is highly recommended to stay in peak physical condition and be healthy.

However, the journey to shedding some extra pounds can be a struggle. There is no one-size-fits-all strategy to weight loss because there are a lot of various factors involved, including your metabolism and the lifestyle you lead, among many others.

While there are several scientifically-proven means to burn fat and promote weight loss, it requires lifestyle changes including your food intake and exercise, especially as both go hand in hand.

With that said, today we are looking into fat burning foods. Thermic foods are key to losing weight. It’s important to be mindful of what you put into your body so you can see results.


Before anything else, it’s essential to understand the process of fat burning so your weight loss journey will be sustainable. When you eat, your body takes in calories in the form of fat, carbohydrates, and protein, so you can function and have energy.

While your body will break down carbohydrates first, it will store fat for energy, which helps you get through the rest of the day after a meal. When fat is left unused because there’s too much of it or you don’t exercise enough, that leads to the extra pounds.

Burning fat is essentially asking your body to use up that excess fat so you boost your metabolism and start losing weight.

How easy it is for your body to start burning through fat can depend on so many aspects like your genetics and lifestyle. Fat burning for women is especially challenging because of additional factors like hormones and menstrual cycles, not to mention women naturally store more fat than men in general.

There are tried-and-tested means to kickstart the process: cardio exercises, fat burning pills, other fat burning supplements, and even fat burning green tea. However, the simplest and most viable way to burn fat in the long run is to add thin slim foods to your regular meals.

Fat Burning in the Gym is good to incorporate with thermic foods

Fun Fact: Fat burning ketosis is the metabolic process of your body burning fat for energy because it does not have enough carbohydrates to break down. Ketosis occurs when you go on a keto diet, in which you severely reduce or eliminate your carbohydrate intake.


Now that you understand the importance of fat burning, you might now be wondering which are thermic foods. Here are 10 thermic foods that will help you get the results you want.

1. Fish
Fish such as salmon, sardines, and mackerel are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which is good for the heart while also promoting weight loss. It might sound counter-intrusive, but consuming fat can actually be fat burning. The key is to go for healthy fats instead.

2. Eggs
Eggs are another source of healthy fats and protein. Hearty and filling, they can keep you satisfied throughout the day. This is what makes them so popular for breakfast.

Accidental fat burning

3. Whole Grains
If you’re not on a keto diet, replace bad or processed carbohydrates with whole grains instead, which are fat burning foods. Oats, brown rice, and buckwheat are full of complex carbohydrates. You can also consume quinoa to satisfy your cravings for carbohydrates.

4. Vegetables
Don’t forget your vegetables! Spinach helps reduce your appetite through natural compounds called thykaloids, while kale is high in fiber, iron, and magnesium. Meanwhile, asparagus is very low in calories and high in protein, and cauliflower actually requires your body to burn calories in digesting them alone so it encourages fat burning right after your meal.

5. Spices
Make any dish a fat burning food by adding some spice. Chili peppers and cayenne help increase your metabolism because of capsaicin. Turmeric helps reduce inflammation, while cinnamon and cardamom can add a touch of sweetness in your food or drink while also regulating blood sugar levels and reduce belly fat.

6. Walnuts
For snacks, munch on a small serving of walnuts. Not only are they really filling and help curb the munchies, but they also pack a lot of omega-3 fatty acids, as well as protein and fiber. You can also go for other nuts, just consume them in moderation.

Walnuts are a great addition to a fat burning diet

7. Fruits
Fruits are another option for fat burning foods when you want a snack. Berries are full of fiber and antioxidants, grapefruits regulate your blood sugar levels, and bananas are packed with potassium that help with your metabolism. You can also use fruits in a smoothie and add some yogurt, which is also known to reduce belly fat.

8. Green Tea
What you drink also counts. A lot of people don’t realize that soda and canned juices can even be the most fattening things they consume. Swap your sugary drinks for some fat burning green tea. It is high in antioxidants and catechins that not only burns fat but also stops it from forming. It’s also known to boost metabolism and melt belly fat.

Note: There are also green tea extracts in fat burning pills and fat burning supplements, although take the extra precautions to check other ingredients to be certain they pack only the good stuff.

9. Coffee
Coffee is an easy and accessible source of caffeine, which is known to increase your metabolism.

While coffee is an easy and accessible source for it, it’s also easy to make it full of calories. To maximize its fat burning abilities full, avoid processed sugar, creamers, syrups, and whipped cream. If you like your coffee sweet, go for a delicious cold brew instead.

Coffee is an excellent fat burning drink

10. Whey Protein
If you’re working out, go for protein shakes as a fat burning supplement, or a meal replacement if you don’t want to exercise on an empty stomach. Whey protein increases muscle growth while also preserving muscle when you’re trying to lose weight. Building muscle is often a concern for women who are scared to bulk up, but muscle aids fat burning for women because it works to melt fat in your body.


Weight loss rarely comes easy, but incorporating changes to what you consume can go a very long way. Diets don’t need to be extremely limiting unless you’re doing a keto diet for fat burning ketosis. It’s just a matter of tailoring your meals and figuring out which are fat burning foods so you can see results.

Get creative with your recipes so healthier eating will be fun, exciting and delicious for you. There are so many resources on the internet for tasty and healthy meals. If you feel like you don’t have a lot of time to prepare your meals every day, opt to take one day in the week and prepare your meals ahead of time so you can stick to your diet and not rely on unhealthy and convenient takeaways or indulging in restaurants.

Weight loss should also be a full commitment. Pair your fat burning foods with fat burning pills and fat burning supplements that you’ve carefully vetted to make sure they only pack the good stuff. Replace your sugary and calorie-packed drinks with some fat burning green tea from time to time. This can also help you from having a fatty liver.

Make your endeavors worth it as well by exercising regularly. Your routine should include cardio and strength training to be effective. Together with consuming fat burning foods, you can expect to see results for all the hard work you do.


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10 Fat Burning Foods


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